Healing and regeneration


Subject carrier


1. Pathophysiology and injuries of different tissues
a. microscopic and macroscopic trauma
b. categories of various tissue injuries and their characteristics
c. most common types of bone injuries and their mechanisms
d. most common types of tendon and ligament injuries and their mechanisms
e. most common types of muscle injuries and their mechanisms
f. most common types of skin injuries and their mechanisms

2. Physiological mechanisms and individual stages of healing and regeneration of various tissues
a. homeostasis
b. acute responses to injuries
c. inflammation, inflammatory processes, signs and characteristics of inflammation, mediators of inflammation, inflammatory cells, types of inflammation
d. tissue regeneration, tissue scarring, the process of scarring
e. remodeling tissue
f. peculiarities of healing and regeneration based on tissue type

3. Factors that affect the healing and regeneration of tissue. The peculiarities and differences of healing and regeneration of tissues within specific groups:
a. elderly
b. children and adolescents
c. professional athletes
d. individuals with various diseases (diabetes, muscular dystrophy, …)
e. differences between sexes (hormonal influences)

4. Definition of methods for optimizing and/or accelerating healing and regeneration of tissues and the background of its effects
a. exercise therapy, rehabilitation protocols
b. operative procedures
c. passive physiotherapeutic techniques
d. tissue engineering
e. nutritional support for healing

5. Characteristics and limitations of loading based on the individual stage of healing of various tissues. Definition of factors which affect the loading process.
a. severity/ level of injury
b. injury site, type of injured tissue
c. tissue healing phase
d. irregularities in tissue healing and preventive work
e. age group of the injured