- Lectures: 5 hours
- Seminar: 10 hours
- Independent work: 60 hours
Subject carrier
1. Introduction to the course
2. Tutoring and the tutoring process in the postgraduate studies
2.1 The role and tasks of the tutor and tutee in the postgraduate studies
2.2 Organization of the university and faculty with the formal regulation of the tutoring system at UP (UP FHS)
2.3 Working with students with specific groups of students (students with special needs, foreign students, students with special status)
2.4 Managing and documenting the tutoring process (personal portfolio of the student tutor) and application of knowledge for creating professional career portfolio
2.7 Organising course tutoring
2.8 The importance of the Alumni Club (UP FHS) for the development of institutional and professional sense of belonging
3 Foundations of academic and career coaching
3.1 The use of coaching as a form of individual guidance and leadership of people/groups
3.2 Use of the “Academic coaching model” (resources, activities, inputs, outcomes, impacts)
3.3 Other effective coaching models for professional work and its use
3.4 Contemporary ways to motivation
3.5 Effective learning strategies
3.6 Effective time management (case studies of complex situations and techniques)
3.7 Knowledge translation about coaching to professional work
4 Developing an effective business communication
4.1 Methods of assertive and participatory communication
4.2 Strategies for developing culturally competent organisations (respecting cultural diversity)
4.3 Skills of online communication (ways of conveying messages, online professional profile, creativity, understanding of the target group), also in international context
4.4 Designing effective promotional strategies
4.5 Strategies for leading and organizing meetings and events
4.6 Advanced forms of an effective communication with the interested public (public speaking, presentation of one self, retoric), also in a foreign language
Lectures: first and second * chapter (* the lectures include the involvement of tutor teachers coordinators for foreign students and tutors teachers coordinators for students with special needs)
Seminar: third and fourth chapter
Other forms of study: practical work of a student under the supervision of course leaders