

Subject carrier


• The definition of biomechanics and its role in sport science and physiotherapy
• Basic terminology
• Basic physical quantities and units

The biomechanics of musculoskeletal system:
• Kinematics (the body as a dotted or rigid system, velocity, acceleration, angular and linear kinematics, the kinematic analysis of throwing, jumping and other movements, unidimensional and multidimensional movements)
• Forces and torques (Newton’s laws, the relationship between forces and torques, compressive, shear, tensile and rotational forces, friction and ground reaction forces, collisions and their quality, resistance during different movements and in different mediums, centrifugal and centripetal force, the center of mass and the center of pressure)
• Work, power and energy (the relationship between work and energy, and between work and force, power and movement efficiency, the kinetic, potential and elastic energy)
• The biomechanics of movement (the analysis of cyclic, ballistic and manipulative movements, as well as static positions regarding the load they impose
o Compressive and shear forces imposed to the spine during various positions
o Ground reaction forces during different movements (walking, running, landing, hopping)
o Joint forces and torques during different movements

The biomechanics of cardiorespiratory system and internal organs

• Pressure
• The mechanics of fluids (hydrostatic laws, buoyance, the resistance of fluids, viscosity and viscoelasticity, the movement of fluids)
o Blood pressure regulation mechanisms
o Vasodilatation and vasoconstriction
o Vascular resistance and its relation to blood pressure
• Thermodynamics (the laws of thermodynamics, heat capacity, entropy, the enthalpy of vaporization)
o The mechanisms of body temperature regulation
o Workout in hot or cold environments

The human body and the physical properties of the environment:
• The lightning (wavelength and frequency, luminance and luminous energy, the colors and the contrasts)
o The effect of the lightning on the human body
o Lightning and color perception
• Sounds (frequency, volume)
o The influence of sound and noise on the human body
o Sound perception

Basics of electromagnetism
• Electromagnetic waves, electrical charge, voltage and current
• Electromagnetism in human body

Biomechanical analysis of human motion
• Kinematics analysis (2D and 3D kinematics, gait analysis, range of motion measurement, calculation of velocities and accelerations of the body and individual body segments, kinematic analysis of jumps, throws, landings and hop)
• Force and torque measurements (dynamometry, force plates, other force sensors)
• Electromyography (basic concepts of electromyography, the interpretation of the signals, the usefulness of electromyography)