We are thrilled to announce an exciting event aimed at enhancing mobility opportunities within the Erasmus+ programs at the University of Primorska, the upcoming Erasmus+ World Cafe event, organized as part of the European initiative ERASMUS DAYS.

The Erasmus+ World Cafe is designed to bring together UP students who have already been on an exchange program, as well as those who are contemplating the idea of embarking on an international exchange adventure.

The Erasmus+ World Cafe will take place in the form of a fair, featuring country-specific tables (Portugal, Norway, Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Italy and others), so we invite you to mark your calendars for Wednesday, 11 October, from 13.00 to 16.00. The event will take place in front of the MixUP space (Rectorate Atrium). 


The international offices of all UP faculties as well as the Erasmus Student Network Primorska will be at your assistance for all information.

Before the fair starts, the official opening of the exhibition “My Erasmus+ experience” will take place at 13.00 in Armeria Hall, and will be opened by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Prof. Dr. Michaël Mrissa.

Your active participation will not only contribute to the success of the event, but we believe we will motivate many aspiring students to pursuit mobility experiences.

Please sign in for the Erasmus+ World Cafe HERE.

More about the project:

Application link:

Information on outgoing UP mobility: