- Lectures: 15 hours
- Seminar: 5 hours
- Exercises 10 hours
- Independent work: 60 hours
Subject carrier
1. Definitions of supervision, theoretical starting points of supervision, with an emphasis on communication and interaction in supervision, group dynamics and supervision, and development and learning in supervision.
2. Functions of supervision, its contents and goals; role in professional and personal development.
3. The development of supervision as a special method of experiential learning in nursing and its importance in the field of working with people.
4. The course of the supervision process. The role of supervisor and supervisee. Working forms of the supervision process. How to become a supervisor: personal development of abilities and skills of (self) reflection, self-control, listening, observation and communication.
5. Models in supervision. Intervision – a specific form of joint learning of experts. Ethics in supervision.
6. Comparison of supervision and other active methods of teaching and learning.
7. Integrating supervision into clinical nursing practice: examples of policies, practices and documentation. The role of learning culture in organizations.