Clinical medicine


Subject carrier


1. Basic principles of internal medicine
(clinical medicine, basic terminology, medical history, common clinical symptoms and signs, basic diagnostic procedures in internal medicine including imaging techniques)
Diseases of modern life (atherosclerosis, cardio-vascular risk factors, arterial hypertension,…).

2. Cardiology and vascular medicine
(anatomy and physiology, cardinal cardiological and vascular signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures in cardiovascular medicine – imaging, ECG basics, exercise testing, basic principles of treatment, heart failure, coronary artery disease, acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrhythmias, heart diseases of valve diseases, diseases of endocardium, myocardial and pericardial diseases, congenital heart diseases, diseases of arteries and veins, lymphedema)
3. Pulmology
(anatomy and physiology, cardinal pulmonary signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures in pulmology – imaging, spirometry, chronic obstructive pumonary disease, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, bronchial carcinoma, interstitial pulmonary diseases, acute respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, diseases of the pleura)
4. Gastroenterology
(anatomy and physiology, gastroenterological signs and symptoms, basic diagnostic procedures, diseases of the esophagus, stomach and doudenum, diseases of small and large intestines, diseases of the liver, diseases of the gallblader and bile ducts, diseases of the pancreas)
5. Nephrology
(anatomy and physiology, nephrological signs and symptoms, basic diagnostic procedures, acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, kidney cell cancer)
6. Metabolic diseases and endocrinology
(obesity and metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, disorders of lipid metabolism, disorders of bone metabolism, diseases of pituitary gland, thyroid diseases, diseases of the adrenal glands)
7. Hematology
(physiological principles, hematological signs and symptoms, diagnostic procedures, anemia, leukemia, malignant lymphoma, disorders of hemostasis)
8. Rheumathology
(rheumatoid arthritis, spondyloartropathies, connective tissue diseases, vasculitis; diagnostics including imaging)
9. Infectology
(clinical and laboratory signs of inflammation, streptococcal and staphylococcal infections, intestinal infections, cutaneous rash diseases, herpesvirus infections, HIV infection)
10. Intensive medicine
(shock, sepsis, patient in the intensive care unit, ventilation, sudden cardiac death, resuscitation)
11. Abdominal surgery
(acute abdomen, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, abdominal wall, hernias, stomach, small intestine, appendix, colon and rectum, anus, liver, billiary tract,
pancreas, spleen)
12. Thoracic surgery
(chest wall and pleura, mediastinum, lung, congenital heart disease, surgical treatment of coronary artery disease, acquired valvular heart disease)